Tablet on floor with Milk Jar Candle Co.'s website displaying the "Shop by Category" section

Maximizing the potential of existing assets on a new website

Integrating company branding during a website’s design phase is essential to communicating cohesion and professionalism to users.

Integrating company branding during a website’s design phase is essential to communicating cohesion and professionalism to users.

Companies with robust brand documents still face a challenge: translating these cohesive brand standards onto the web. Meticulously-crafted vector logos lose their luster when resized and compressed. Webfonts might not quite mirror their print-ready counterparts, and conversions from pantones to hex colors requires careful handling to avoid a branding catastrophe.

Matching Brand Fonts on the Web

In ensuring brand font consistency online, careful consideration is given to spacing and integration techniques during the design phase. We take a great deal of care to seamlessly incorporate your fonts, maintaining proper spacing and visual integrity on the web.

Matching Color Systems on the Web

Translating brand colors to the web involves more than a simple conversion. We take care to convert pantones and CMYK colors to hex and RGB formats. We also explore brand colors across a comprehensive color scale, allowing us to use your branding in a dynamic, varied way.

When the Design Is Already Handled

Even when working with one of our great design partners, it’s still important for us to create effective font and color systems for converting their mockups.

Whether managing font nuances or navigating the intricate world of color systems, our attention to detail in the design process ensures that a website not only meets but exceeds user expectations in delivering a cohesive and professional brand experience.